Design Blog

Want to see all of my various creative projects?  Check out my posts on a regular basis!  There will be lots of fun and creativity in them.


Design Service

Design encompasses pretty much everything I do. This page will showcase everything from recipes (cooking is creative, you know!) to mood boards and more!


My Portfolio

Everything in my life is inspired by being creative.  But, my artwork is where I really get to showcase my soul.  Original pieces are available for purchase.


Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes.
Art is knowing which ones to keep.
– Scott Adams

Behind the Brush

Stacy is an extrovert who loves laughing, crafting, and thrifting. She hasn’t met many shades of blue that she doesn’t love. Being creative is the reason she lives (along with her wonderful husband, two kids, and golden doodle)!

Meet the Artist

Get my five easy tips for updating your home!

Sometimes it only takes little tweaks to make your rooms look stunning!  I have compiled my favorite design tips to make quick and easy changes to your home.  Enter your email below to get my tips!

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Stella Maris means Star of the Sea in Latin. This title was attributed to the Virgin Mary and was widespread by the early medieval period. I chose this name for my design studio as Mary is my deceased mother’s name; she was amazing and talented beyond belief. She was my guiding star and I find inspiration working under her name.

My studio space is where I do all of my creations. I take my art and creations on the road to Junk Stock or other markets by invitation.  I woud love to meet with you to create your perfect piece.  Appointments required to meet at the Studio